Today I decided to start a new blog. This blog is mostly for myself, to document my story of fertiliy, or, as it turns out, infertility. I thought my days of TTC (Trying To Concieve) were long in my past, but that ugly monster just grew a new head and decided to rear them both in my face. So here it is, the story of how I got here, struggling to have kids. And hopefully, from here, my journey to another child.

It may be helpful to read it in chronological (reverse) order.


February 8, 2010

Clomid Continued

My first month of Clomid ended in a BFN, so my doctor upped my dosage to 100 mgs. This definitely kicked things into gear, if the 5-6 days of serious pain leading up to my ovulations were any indication. I had to be careful not even to lean against anything or let anything touch my belly during those days. Ouch! And my emotionality didn't improve at all. At least it didn't make me angry or agressive as I'd heard had happened with some women.

But the Clomid did seem to be making some improvement. My progesterone level went up to a 2.3 the first month at 50 mgs, then a 3.5 after the first month of 100mgs. It continued to rise a few points every month, indicating that my ovulations were getting stronger, but still I wasn't getting pregnant.

Finally, after the 5th month of Clomid with no pregnancy, I decided to take a break from the meds. I just wasn't feeling like myself and the pain was pretty bad. But my ovulations had at least improved. I was finally up to a 10.2!

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