Today I decided to start a new blog. This blog is mostly for myself, to document my story of fertiliy, or, as it turns out, infertility. I thought my days of TTC (Trying To Concieve) were long in my past, but that ugly monster just grew a new head and decided to rear them both in my face. So here it is, the story of how I got here, struggling to have kids. And hopefully, from here, my journey to another child.

It may be helpful to read it in chronological (reverse) order.


January 3, 2010

Step One: Mild Surprise

I have to admit, I was pretty surprised when, two weeks after our first attempt at getting pregnant, I held negative pregnancy test in my hand. I wasn't upset. I was mostly just honestly surprised.

The next month I was surprised again, but a bit more so. Close to shocked this time, really. I had had every expectation that having kids would be a simple matter of boy meets girl, boy marries girl, girl stops taking the pill, girl gets pregnant. Never in my wildest imagination did I guess I'd have to try more than a month or two. After all, I came from a fertile family. My grandmother had produced 10 kids. My own mother had given birth to three kids, but with half a dozen other pregnancies. My own sister had easily conceived four children by this point. It was in my blood to be a child bearer. And my wide hips had always supported this assumption.

And yet here I was, month after month, getting negative pregnancy test after negative pregnancy test. Baffling.

But up to this point, I still maintained the firm belief that children were imminent. I was just too impatient to wait. So after the six month of trying with no luck, but increasing shock and concern, I broke down and made an appointment with the doctor.

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